Project delivery company, PM Group is using the ‘world’s first’ engineering-grade Augmented Reality (AR) product, HoloSite™, from XYZ Reality.

Retrospectively identifying out of tolerance construction can lead to project delays and escalating costs, and this is particularly evident in phases involving complex mechanical and electrical (M&E) engineering works.
HoloSite™ custom-integrates engineering-grade AR into a safety-compliant, hard hat and visor. The technology enables users to view full, BIM models on-site, in real-time and within construction tolerances.
‘Unlocking productivity’
Diarmuid O’Sullivan, construction director at PM Group, said: “We’ve been using HoloSite™ since the beginning of the Danish project, and it is unlocking significant productivity advancements on-site.
“It has allowed us to move away from a reactive approach to tackling errors, to a more proactive way of working, solving problems before they actualise as a cost.
“It is great to work with innovators like XYZ Reality who really understand our needs. This technology is groundbreaking and adds significantly to the AR and other digital technology we are using on our projects across the world.”
“HoloSite™ is facilitating a high level of build accuracy which is removing the need for constant laser surveying. It is also helping us to track and trend issues and make adjustments to keep the project on schedule,” said Coral Butler, BIM manager at PM Group.
“Health and safety is always our key focus. HoloSite™ is enabling us to live stream the site, either on walk-downs or for factory witness tests, reducing the number of people needed on site – which is particularly beneficial in light of the Covid crisis,” Coral concluded.
‘A more forward-thinking, proactive approach to building’
David Mitchell, CEO and founder of XYZ Reality, added: “Augmented Reality challenges many long-standing construction practices and shifts the industry to a more forward-thinking, proactive approach to building.
“Having worked as a digital construction manager on some of Europe’s largest construction projects, I have witnessed first-hand how damaging it could be to take a reactive approach to tackling construction errors, but the technology wasn’t available to do it differently – I knew there had to be a better way.
“My goal was to develop technology that supports a proactive way of working, and this is what we’ve been able to achieve with HoloSite™ – a product that enables construction teams to build it right first time.”
PM Group plans to deploy additional HoloSite™ units on-site in Denmark as the build advances into more complex M&E construction phases.
The company is also looking to use the technology on other construction projects in 2021.